Big Derp
JoinedTopics Started by Big Derp
Are JW's preaching God's Kingdom throuout the entire world?
by Big Derp injust a quick question for anyone who can answer.
i know jw's are not preaching in certain middle east countries because of the "danger".
yet i know for a fact catholics are there despite the danger, and many are being slaughtered and raped.. i have also travelled to many arctic and sub arctic inuit and cree communities.
What is going on
by Aleph infirst of all thank you for the nice welcoming messages i received !.
as you know they are reducing bethel families to the minimum, services s what i heard from 2 different sources (one from africa, one from europe).. - "official" reason given : "end is now, no more time to build, we all need to preach!"..
- all members are invited to go and support where the need is great in the congregations (not necessary their own), missionaries aren t sent back to their counties of origin.. - i have no info regarding huge kh building it still on?
Help Me Undertand...
by DarioKehl inaccording to the 2014 annual report:.
"worldwide, there are 115,416 congregations of jehovahs witnesses and 8,201,545 publishers.".
i don't understand how the borg is facing financial difficulty.